
>>  The pre launch review of the report has been done by Prof. Sudipto Mundle in Live Mint

>>  Forth coming Publication: South Asia Labour and Employment Report 2016; Publised by: OUP and IHD

>>  Review of India Labour and Employment Report in EPW - The Challenge of Employment in Globalising India by S Mahendra Dev Economic & Political Weekly,
       Vol - XLIX No. 31, August 02, 2014

>>  Dev Nathan’s blog in the Economic Times - Indian Manufacturing: The Innovation Imperative

>>  Five charts that explain India’s employment challenges, Livemint, 20 October 2014

>>  Reforming Social Protection for Economic Transformation, Dev Nathan, Economic & Political Weekly, Vol - XLIX No. 38, September 20, 2014

>>  Working paper: Globalisation, Growth and Employment in India by Ajit K. Ghose

>>  Working paper: India’s Services-Led Growth by Ajit K. Ghose

>>  Working paper- India Needs Rapid Manufacturing Led Growth by Ajit K Ghose