Third Party Evaluation of Central Sector Scheme of Rehabilitation of Bonded Labour
Principal Researchers:
IC Awasthi, Balwant Singh Mehta
Theme: Development Evaluation
Sponsors: Ministry of Labour and Employment
Assignment: Third Party Evaluation
Summary: This evaluation, conducted by the Institute for Human Development (IHD), reviewed the Central Sector Scheme for the Rehabilitation of Bonded Labourer (2016-2020). The scheme provides cash and non-cash benefits to released bonded labourers, as well as financial assistance for state surveys, awareness generation, and impact evaluations.
Investigations in Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, and Uttar Pradesh revealed that the scheme helped released workers gain partial financial security and start bondage-free lives. The enhanced financial assistance in the revised scheme holds potential, though no workers received the full revised amounts due to the scheme’s linkage with convictions. The pension of Rs. 24,000 provided by Karnataka was notably beneficial. The report has been submitted to the Directorate of Labour Welfare, Ministry of Labour and Employment.