Home 9 People 9 Prof. Suresh Chand Aggarwal

Prof. Suresh Chand Aggarwal

Prof. Suresh Chand Aggarwal
Visiting Professor

Professor Aggarwal retired in Jan 2017 as the Head of the Department of Business Economics, University of Delhi. Prof. Aggarwal is currently the Visiting Professor at Institute for Human Development, Delhi. He is also a Senior Fellow, ICSSR at Department of Business Economics. He has taught at University of Delhi for more than 43 years to Under-graduate, Post-graduate and Ph.D. students. He has helped as Principal Investigator in E-Content Development for Post Graduate Courses in Business Economics under E-PGpathshala by UGC. He has worked for World Bank and ILO and has been an external Consultant to Reserve Bank of India and ICRIER. He has been associated as a Lead Researcher on labour in an RBI funded project initially at ICRIER and later on at CDE, Delhi School of Economics on India KLEMS data base from 2010 to 2021. He has guided research to a number of Ph.D. and M.Phil. students. Prof Aggarwal has written four books and has published extensively in National and international Journals. He has attended and presented his research in many National and International Conferences in India and abroad. His most of the published work has been related to labour, industry and inclusive growth.





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