Home 9 Research 9 Education and Capabilities 9 Study on Strategies for Promoting Education to Work Transition Landscapein India

Study on Strategies for Promoting Education to Work Transition Landscapein India

Principal Researcher:
Dr Balwant Mehta

Theme: Education and Capabilities
Sponsors: United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

Aims and Objectives: The research aims to develop a robust, recurring framework for analyzing and promoting the pace and quality of the education-to-work transition in India, with a focus on benefiting youth, particularly women from underprivileged sections and those from smaller towns and rural areas. It will analyze international initiatives, such as ILO-STWT, to assess their relevance to India and inventory relevant data and instruments at national, regional, and state levels for producing regular reports on the transition.

The study will also develop a methodology for diagnostic and analytical studies on education-to-work transition suitable for national-level recurring studies. Additionally, it will prepare state-wise case studies on education-to-work transition for Karnataka, Maharashtra, Telangana, Odisha, and Bihar. Finally, the research will recommend institutional arrangements to ensure a robust methodology and promote policy discourse on the education-to-work transition.

Methodology: The study was predominantly based on secondary data, supplemented by stakeholder views and suggestions, including those from the private sector and employers. The School to Work Transition Index (SWTI) was analyzed for 22 major states, which were categorized into three clusters based on their SWTI scores.

Future Strategy Recommendations:

  1. Education and Market-Relevant Skills: Prioritize foundational education up to Secondary or Higher Secondary levels before pursuing skill development or higher education. Investment in quality education is crucial.
  2. Rural Education Infrastructure: Upgrade education infrastructure in rural areas and invest in local skill development facilities to reduce job-related migration. Promote skill training relevant to local needs and self-employment.
  3. Skill Training Initiatives: Expand standardized skill training programs to rural areas and ensure that information about these opportunities is widely disseminated.
  4. Accreditation Systems: Establish accreditation systems in rural areas and set up 500 skill hubs and labs in government schools, as planned by the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE).
  5. Career Counselling: Complement skill hubs with career counselling at schools to provide effective guidance to students.
  6. Healthcare Sector Focus: Train youth in Group II states in healthcare sectors to address future demands for geriatric care services.
  7. Female Employment in Agriculture: Promote entrepreneurship among women in agriculture, particularly in states like Chhattisgarh and Himachal Pradesh.
  8. Private Sector Participation: Involve the private sector through Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives to offer skills and employment opportunities, focusing on young women and disadvantaged youth.

Data and Policy Implications:

  • Highlighted the need for reliable employment data due to the predominantly informal nature of employment in India.
  • Detailed state-level analysis provides insights into the varying abilities of youth across states to transition from education to decent employment.
  • Suggested conducting district-level studies for deeper insights and policy directions.
  • Proposed using the developed methodology periodically to inform policy discourse on education to work transition trends.

This study emphasizes the necessity of a multifaceted approach to enhance the education to work transition landscape in India, involving quality education, rural infrastructure improvement, relevant skill training, career counselling, healthcare sector focus, female entrepreneurship, and private sector participation.

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