Third Party Monitoring of two Education Programmes EScQuIP & ScQuIP
Principal Researchers:
Dr. Harishwar Dayal
Theme: Education and Capabilities
Sponsors: Navajbai Ratan Tata Trust (NRTT)
Aims & Objectives: IHD conducted a ‘Process Round Evaluation for ESCQuIP’ and ‘Impact Round Evaluation of SCQuIP’ to study the status and process of implementation of different components of ESCQuIP and SCQuIP.
Methodology: A purposive sampling method was used to select 12 ESCQuIP schools and 3 control schools for the process evaluation of ESCQuIP and 12 SCQuIP schools and 5 control schools for the impact evaluation of SCQuIP. The villages where these schools were located were also studied and both qualitative and quantitative research was undertaken.
Findings: The findings of the study showed that these programmes have led to:
- An expansion in the level of learning of the students. However, English remains a matter of concern despite efforts to improve the qualitative and quantitative aspects of education;
- An increase in students’ attendance and awareness among the parents about the importance of education and
- A growing demand for replication of the programme in other government schools.
Recommendations: The report made the following recommendations to increase the impact of the programme by
- Concerted efforts to address this learning deficiency of the children;
- Providing platform for parent’s interactions, inter school competitions and more emphasis on English and
- Increasing the capability and quality of the Learning Assistants as they are game changers in this process.